Song Lyrics
To enter the lyrics of your songs select ‘Lyrics Editor’ in the submenu.
Notice that the ‘Details’ and the ‘Audio’ button keep their individual settings when you switch from ‘Song Info’ to ‘Lyrics Editor’ and vice versa. While the audio player remains unchanged the details will reflect the current submenu selection. In the ‘Lyrics Editor’ you will see the lyrics revision history and a field for notes.
If you are using the 64-bit version of TuneSmith you can quickly find rhymes by looking up words in the automatically installed plug-in version of Rhyme Genie. Select words or place the cursor on one word and click on the bottle icon above the ‘Lyrics Editor’ to show rhymes. Alternatively press ‘r’ while holding the command key. Click on the button to the right of Rhyme Genie’s clipboard to copy its entries to TuneSmith’s clipboard (make sure the appropriate clipboard option is selected in Rhyme Genie’s setup screen).
If you are using the 32-bit version of TuneSmith on Microsoft Windows or if you have disabled the Rhyme Genie plug-in you will have to look up rhymes manually by launching the stand-alone version of Rhyme Genie 8 or higher. Click on the button to the right of Rhyme Genie’s clipboard to copy its entries to the computer clipboard (Rhyme Genie’s clipboard option to copy entries in the TuneSmith format must be active). Transfer the rhymes from the computer clipboard to TuneSmith by clicking on the button with the clipboard icon at the top of TuneSmith’s rhyme clipboard.
You can access a clipboard history via a hidden pop-up menu by clicking on the gray arrow at the top left of TuneSmith’s rhyme clipboard. The clipboard history will let you select any word that was entered into Rhyme Genie’s search field to show the corresponding rhyme mates.To show all copied rhymes at the same time you can expand TuneSmith’s clipboard by clicking on the button with the three dots at the top right of TuneSmith’s rhyme clipboard.
Last updated